Amber Thee Human



adjective: human

  1. relating to or characteristic of people or human beings.”the human body”.

Wouldn’t it be nice if it was that simple to explain being a human and the human experience? My definition of the word human took a long time to come up with, and an even longer time to accept. For me, human means to exist without perfection. To be imperfect.  

Perfection has haunted me since my earliest memories. It’s blocked me from succeeding in sports, it’s blocked me from succeeding in school, it’s blocked me from genuine connections, and it’s blocked me from a successful relationship. Refusing to be anything but ‘perfect’ 100% of the time produced so much fear, shame, inadequacy, guilt, and basically any negative emotion you could come up with. I fought for perfection for so long, and I still struggle from time to time. One day in therapy, it hit me. I would never be perfect…and that was okay. Not being perfect made me human. Then the lightbulb went off. Being human meant BEING IMPERFECT. It didn’t make me wrong and it didn’t make me ‘bad’ to have faults and be less than charming at times, it made me human. Thus, Amber Thee Human was born. I’m committed to sharing my journey and helping those who also struggle to let go of the idea that they need to be a perfect human to get access to love and acceptance.

Spoiler alert: you are worthy of love exactly as you are. You are worthy of patience. You are worthy of compassion. You are worthy of giving yourself grace and allowing yourself to be exactly what you are, a human. 

One response to “Amber Thee Human”

  1. Janice Avatar

    I love you!